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The #SPARTruckOfLove and #FreshOn947 visit Frida Hartley Shelter

The Frida Hartley Shelter for destitute women and children in Yeoville takes in homeless women, and their children who have endured neglect, abuse, trauma and homelessness.The Frida Hartley Shelter for destitute women and children in Yeoville takes in homeless women, and their children who have endured neglect, abuse, trauma and homelessness. They shelter people who’ve lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet financially as well as young, homeless mothers looking to kick-start their lives.

The shelter is a non-profit organisation that aims to empower women by providing accommodation, psycho-social support, employment, and training. The Frida Hartley Shelter also provides nutrition and childcare to the children housed at the shelter with their mother. This allows the mothers time to go job hunting. The 947 Truck of Love with SPAR is not done yet. Catch us tomorrow as we continue to spread the love with SPAR.

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